With our huge selection of full, healthy shrubs you can easily transform your yard into the sanctuary you've always dreamed of. Create live fences for privacy, formal hedges, shaped shrub beds, foundation plantings, bird friendly and butterfly gardens.
Our Shrubs... Available in different sizes
Abelia, Rose Creek - Semi-Evergreen shrub with pinkish leaves and crimson stems. Bell shaped, fragrant, white flowers, in late spring through fall. Great foundation, container or low hedge plant. Best color in full sun but will do well in part sun. Max. 2-3'h x 3-4'w - Prune early to mid spring to maintain desired size and shape.
Abelia, Francis Mason - Semi-Evergreen shrub with lemon/lime colored leaves. Bell shaped, fragrant, white flowers in late spring through fall. Great foundation, container or low hedge plant. Best color in full sun but will do well in part sun. Max. 3-5'h x 3-5'w - Prune early to mid spring to maintain desired size and shape.
Abelia, Kaleidoscope - Semi-Evergreen shrub with golden/green leaves that gets a reddish hue in the winter months. Bell shaped, white flowers in late spring through fall. Great foundation, container or low hedge plant. Best color in full sun but will do well in part sun. Max. 2-2.5' x 3-3.5'w. Prune early to mid spring to maintain size and shape.
Agapanthus - Perennial bulb plant that blooms spectacular globes of blue or white flowers in early summer. Thick strapping leaves are evergreen in the winter months. Leaves grow to about 1.5' and flower stalks to about 2.5'. Prefers full to part sun.
Anise, Yellow - Small evergreen shrub/tree with tender, glossy, olive green leaves that smell like licorice when crushed. Yellow flowers in spring. The fruit or any other part of this plant is not edible. Great accent plant for small spaces. Slow growing to 8-15'h - 10'w. Full to part shade (early morning sun) Do not ingest
Aspidistra (Cast Iron Plant) - Evergreen foliage that is almost indestructible. Long dark green leaves that thrive in shady areas. Great filler plant for shade beds that requires very little care.
Aucuba, Gold Dust - With its striking shiny, gold and dark green leaves, this plant will brighten up your shade garden. Slow growing to 4-6'h x 4-6'w. Full shade
Azalea, Formosa (Lavender) - Evergreen that gets loaded with rich lavender blooms in the spring. This beautiful azalea will grow to be 6-8' tall and 4-6' wide. Grows better in shade to part shade in our climate. Prefers acidic, moist, well drained soil.
Azalea, George Tabor (Light Pink) - Evergreen that gets loaded with light pink blooms in the spring.. This beautiful azalea will grow to be 5-7' tall and wide. Grows better in shade to part shade in our climate. Prefers acidic, moist well drained soil.
Azalea, GG Gerbing (White) - Evergreen that gets loaded with white blooms in the spring. This beautiful azalea will grow to 5-8' tall and 4' wide. Grows better in shade to part shade in our climate. Prefers acidic, moist, well drained soil.
Azalea, Red Ruffle (Red) - Evergreen that gets loaded with red, ruffled edged flowers. This beautiful azalea is a repeat bloomer (off and on throughout the summer). Grows to 2-4' tall and wide. Grows better in shade to part shade in our climate. Prefers acidic, moist, well drained soil.
Boxwood, Wintergreen - Evergreen shrub with dark green oval shaped leaves. Grows to 3-4' tall and wide. It is great for foundation planting or container planting. Can be planted as individuals or it can be used as a formal hedge. Deer resistant. Prefers part to full sun, well drained soil.
Camellia, Japonica - Evergreen shrub that blooms pink, white or red flowers late winter/early spring. Size depends on cultivar. Shade to part shade, acidic, well drained soil.
Camellia, Sasanqua - Evergreen shrub that bloom pink, white or red flowers late fall/early winter. Size depends on cultivar. Full sun to part shade, well drained, acidic soil.
Cleyera Japonica - Evergreen shrub with glossy, broad leaves. New growth has reddish or bronze tint. Moderate grower to 10-15' tall and 8-10' wide. Creates a beautiful hedge or can be planted individually. Tolerates some morning sun, prefers shade, well drained soil.
We also carry some of the southern living cleyera varieties.
Cypress, Gold Mop False - Bright golden colored, mounding, evergreen shrub that will add a pop of color to your beds. Grows 4-6' tall and wide, can be maintained smaller.
Cypress, Italian - Tall Columnar, evergreen tree that grows 40-50' tall and 4-5' wide. Great for framing doorways, corners of homes or creating columnar walls. Requires well drained soil
Cypress, Leyland - Pyramidal, fast growing, evergreen tree that grows 60-70' tall and 15-25' wide at maturity. Great for live walls to create privacy or a tree for decorating around the holidays. Must be planted in well drained soil.
Fatsia Japonica - Beautiful, evergreen, shade loving plant. White drumstick-like flowers in the fall add a distinctive appearance in your garden. Can grow 10' tall and wide.
Fern, Autumn - Evergreen, shade loving fern. New growth is copper-red color before turning to a lush dark green. Spreads by underground stems. Will grow 1.5-2' tall by 2' wide.
Fern, Holly - Evergreen, shade loving fern. Dark, glossy, holly-like leaves. Will grow 1.5-2' tall by 2-3' wide.
Grass, Adagio Miscanthus - Ornamental grass, green blades with a white stripe down the center. It will grow 5' tall by 3' wide and produces bronze-pink plumes that fade to white appear late summer - fall. Although it goes dormant, it still gives winter interest as the leave turn reddish for the season.
Grass, Cord (Spartina) - Very durable and hardy grass. Great for erosion control, salt tolerant, shallow wetland grass. Grows 3-6' tall.
Grass, Lomandra (Breeze) - Dark green, low growing, dwarf, evergreen grass-like perennial. Produces yellow flowers down within the plant. Thrives in sun or shade. Great for mass plantings or filler plants. Grows 3' X 3'.
Grass, Muhlenbergia (Muhly Grass) - Very durable and hardy grass. Thin green blade with showy, pink plumes in the fall. Grows 3-4' tall and wide.
Grass, Pampas - Fast growing thick bladed grass that can reach 6-8' tall and wide. Beautiful, large white plumes in the fall. Great for privacy.
Hawthorn, Eleanor Tabor - Small, evergreen, slow growing shrub that is easy to maintain as it keeps a rounded shape as it grows. Showy, pink, fragrant flowers in the spring put on a really nice show. Can grow 3-6' tall and wide. Great for foundation plantings or fill in's.
Hawthorn, Indian - Small, evergreen, slow growing shrub that is easy to maintain as it keeps a rounded shape as it grows. Showy, white, fragrant flowers in the spring put on a really nice show. Can grow 3-6' tall and wide. Great for foundation plantings or fill in's.
Hawthorn, Majestic Beauty - Large growing shrub with glossy, dark green leaves. Produces beautiful clusters of pink flowers in the spring. Great for blocking heat as it thrives in full sun. Also, great for privacy. Can grow 15-20' tall and 6-8' wide.
Holly, Carissa - Wonderful, lush, dark green, compact, evergreen shrub. Moderately grows to 3-4' tall and wide. Great for a small hedge or foundation plantings. The dark green leaves really make a nice background for flowering plants.
Holly, Compacta (Japanese) - Compact, evergreen shrub with small, glossy, green leaves. Grows in a rounded shape. Small black berries in the winter. Great for foundation plantings. Slowly grows to 3-4' tall and wide.
Holly, Dwarf Burford - Compact, evergreen, shrub with dark green, glossy leaves and red berries in the winter. Pollinizer not necessary but with having one will help produce even more berries. Great for a small hedge or foundation plantings. Slowly grows to 4-6' tall and wide but can be maintained smaller.
Holly, Dwarf Yaupon - Compact, evergreen shrub with tiny, dark green, glossy leaves. Naturally grows in a rounded form. Slowly grows to 3-4' tall and wide. No berries. Great for small foundation plantings.
Holly, Needlepoint - Large evergreen, shrub with dark green, glossy leaves and produces red berries in the winter. Moderate grower to 10-15' tall and 10-12' wide. Great for creating hedges for screening or privacy. Can be used for foundation plantings or be tree formed to create a small tree.
Holly, Sky Pencil - Evergreen, columnar shrub with dark green, glossy leaves. Moderate grower to 8-10' and 1.5-2' wide. Great for framing porches, window and doors. Works great in narrow places/corners that need a little height. No berries.
Hydrangea, Endless Summer and other specialty varieties available in the spring and early summer.
Hydrangea, Limelight/Little Lime - Spectacular, very large blooms that start off lime green and turn to white as they age. One of the few hydrangea that can tolerate and actually loves full sun in our climate. The Lime light will grow 6-8' tall and wide. The lime will grow 3-5' tall and wide, Proven Winner plants.
Hydrangea, Nikko Blue - Beautiful, deciduous shrub that produces large clusters of flowers in early summer. When planted in acidic soil flowers will be blue, in alkaline soil they will be pinkish blue. Flowers grow on old wood. Growing 4-6' tall and wide it makes for a beautiful hedge or accent plant. Shade is recommended in our climate.
Hydrangea, Oakleaf - Deciduous shrub that can grow up to 8' tall. In the spring large, oak leaf shaped leaves emerge, followed by huge, pyramidal shaped clusters of white flowers that will last throughout the summer. Offers a show in the fall, as the leaves tun to red/purple. Can be planted in full sun to part shade.
Jasmine, Asiatic - Evergreen, vine that is commonly used as ground-cover. Spreading up to 10 feet, it creates a dense cover for beds around trees, on banks (for erosion control) or in flower beds. The most common has dark, green, shiny leaves, but there are variegated varieties as well. Very hardy and drought tolerant. Full sun to shade.
Jasmine, Carolina - Native to our area, this sweet smelling vine can grow up to 20 ft or more. Produces very fragrant, bell shaped, yellow flowers in late winter and early spring. Great for trellis's, arbors or fences. Part to full sun.
Jasmine, Confederate - Evergreen vine that produces very fragrant, white, star shaped flowers in the spring. Great for trellis's, arbors or fences. Grows up to 20' or more. Part to full sun.
Juniper, Blue Pacific - Evergreen low growing, spreading shrub that grows about 1' tall and 6-7' wide. Very dense and works great for ground-cover, erosion control or borders on large beds. Very heat tolerant and does better when not pruned. Full sun.
Juniper, Blue Rug - Trailing, silver/blue evergreen. Growing only 6" tall with a 6-8' spread, this plant is great for mass ground cover planting or cascading down walls. Full sun - well drained soil.
Juniper, Parsoni - Dense, low growing evergreen. Grows 2-' tall and 6-10 wide. This plant is great for berms or hillsides to prevent erosion. It also is great as a filler plant or foundation plantings. Full sun - well drained soil.
Ligustrum, Howardi - Fast growing, evergreen shrub or small multi trunk tree. New growth is a rich golden color changing to dark green, glossy leaves with age. Small, fragrant, white flowers in the spring. Can reach 8-10' and 6-8' wide. Great for live walls, formal hedges, large specimen or small tree when trimmed up. Full sun to part shade.
Ligustrum, Jack Frost - Moderate growing evergreen shrub with glossy, green leaves with cream colored edges. Small, fragrant, white flowers in the spring. Grows 5-8' tall and 5-8' wide. Great for foundation plantings or a small hedge for privacy. Does best in full sun.
Ligustrum, Sunshine - Hardy, evergreen shrub that offers color all year long. Grows 3-6' tall and 2 -3' wide. Great for foundation plantings, small hedge or colorful accent plants. Non invasive. Well drained soil - Full sun. Southern Living plant collection.
Ligustrum, Wax Leaf - Fast growing, evergreen shrub or small multi trunk tree. Rich, dark green, glossy leaves. Small, fragrant, white flowers in the spring. Can reach 8-10' and 6-8' wide. Great for live walls, formal hedges, large specimen or small tree when trimmed up. Full sun to part shade.
Liriope, Emerald Goddess - Fast growing border grass that can also be used as ground cover. Resistant to crown rot and extremely hardy throughout the winter months. Blades are dark green, flowers are more purple and last longer than other varieties of liriope. Grows up to 20" tall and 30" wide. Part to full sun.
Liriope, Silvery Sunproof - Moderate growing border grass that can also be used as ground cover. Resistant to insects and diseases. Blades are green with yellow edges, flowers are light lavender. Grows 15-18" tall and wide. Part Sun.
Loropetalum, Ruby - Evergreen shrub that is great for foundation planting or small hedge. New growth is purple that changes to a greener color with age. Periodic trimming will encourage new growth and help keep it a more purple color. Produces pink fringe flowers in the spring and fall. Grows 3-5' tall and wide. Full sun-well drained soil. Deer resistant
Loropetalum - Southern Living varieties - We carry several different southern living varieties of loropetalum. Purple Pixie, Purple Diamond, Purple Daydream, Red Diamond and Emerald Snow. All need full sun. We may not have all varieties at the same time.
Mahonia, Soft Caress - Evergreen shrub with bamboo-like foliage with a very soft texture. Produces yellow flowers in early winter. Great for mass planting or specimen plant. Shade.
Nandina, Firepower - Evergreen shrub that offers dramatic color in the fall and winter. New growth is bright green that darkens with age. In the fall the foliage turns a brilliant red for a wonderful fall and winter show. Grows about 30" tall and wide. Is perfect for mass plantings in large areas, borders for beds or a stand alone plant. Full sun - well drained soil. Deer, drought, salt and heat resistant.
Nandina, Gulf Stream - Evergreen shrub that offers color through the summer that intensifies in the fall. Grows 3' tall and 3-5' wide. Is perfect for mass plantings in large areas, borders for beds or a stand alone plant. Full sun - well drained soil. Deer, drought, salt and heat resistant.
Nandina, Southern Living varieties - We carry Lemon Lime, Obsession, Flirt, Blush and other varieties when available.
Pineapple Guava - Evergreen with silvery/olive colored leaves. Produces dramatically beautiful flowers in late spring to summer. Provides an edible fruit (Guava) that tastes like Pineapple, Banana and Kiwi mix. It can grow 10-15' tall and wide in tropical areas. Can be tree formed and used as a beautiful hedge, foundation planting or stand alone shrub. Full sun - well drained soil.
Pittosporum, Compacta - Evergreen, compact shrub that only grows 3-4' tall and wide. Leaves are glossy, round and tight. The green variety is dark green and the variegated is an olive color with creamy white edges. Provides small white, very frangrant flowers in the spring. Great for foundation plantings, small hedges, accent or stand alone planting. Salt air tolerant.
Podocarpus Macrophylla (Japanese Yew) - Dense evergreen shrub that can grow up to 30' tall and 8-10' wide. Works great for screening or stand alone plant or tree. With its slow growth habit this shrub is easily maintained and can be shaped or tree formed. Requires sun to part shade. Deer, drought, salt and heat resistant
Rose, Drift - Compact, groundcover rose that reaches 1 1/2' tall to 2' wide. Non-stop, colorful, showy blooms from spring until the first hard freeze. Comes in several different colors and some are fragrant. Drought and heat resistant. Full sun.
Rose, Knockout - Larger than the Drift Rose, the Knockout has all of the same qualities. Grows 4-6' tall and wide. Non-stop, colorful, showy blooms from spring until the first hard freeze. Comes in several colors and some are fragrant. Can be trimmed at any time and bounces back very quickly. Drought and heat resistant. Full sun.
Tea Olive, Fragrant (Osmanthus) - Dense, evergreen shrub that blooms tiny, white, extremely fragrant flowers in all the months with the letter "r" (September-April). Grows to about 10' tall and wide. Great for screening, stand alone, hedges or foundation plants for taller homes. Plant near a window or patio to enjoy the wonderful fragrance. Deer, drought and salt air resistant. Full sun to part shade.
Viburnum, Awabuki (Chindo) -
Viburnum, Odoratissimum (Sweet)
Viburnum, Suspensum (Sandankwa)
Wax Myrtle